I was looking on the forum and i seen that you guys also are playing with TeamSpeak and i was trying it out .. but someone had banned me , because i was trying how to work .. because my deutsch is not so good , and all Settlers 3 players know that.
My question is now : Can someone tell me how the TS is working , cause i don't understand the german language not so good.
Question Number 2 : The dropping on the Lobby Chat , it's was a long time ago that i used that thing , i don't know it anymore and only find Dutch sites for it .. but don't understand it . my question is : can someone typ me the german commands in english , cause i know a little bit but i can not get the commands in english , so i hope that someone can tell me how to do it , and you see me on the Lobby m8s .. and we gonna play some funny games
Greets Tazmania
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