I'd like know your opinion on the matter below and I believe as a longstanding member of the community I have a right to know why this community needs such an administrator as Hirtenknogger?
Hirtenknogger has continuously and multiple times abused and offended me by pretty much every time greeting me with 'fuck you', 'shut up', 'bot' etc. on team speak whenever I would log in and join a channel where he was. Moreover, often he went on to say bad things about me in German to other players (thinking I don't understand, as I don't speak German). Moreover, today he said that this behaviour "didn't matter" - is that how an alobby admin is expected to behave and project attitude? I haven't been reporting this for a while, but given his continued insults today (desribed below) I decided to share this.
I would also like to highlight that he is the only admin that is constantly trying to exhibit and excercise his “power”. One example of that is banning Kanjie on team speak after Kanjie said, if I remember correctly, 'fuck you' to someone - Hirtenknogger does that often himself, so that is clearly double standards? Should he get banned from Team speak?
Moreover, he is constantly trying to exercise and project his power by giving 'last notice' or 'last warnings' to players, often in front of other players - this doesn’t help resolve conflicts. It is always better to speak to a player in a one to one setting, rather than escalate things in public. Also, would be great to clarify what the basis of these last warning is? Is that random self judgement?
Finally a separate point that occurred today - hirtenknoger has called me a quitter and have broken up a full open random to create a new random which he called 'no quitters' to personally insult me with an intention to kick me from the game so that I can't play. He also gave me 'last warning' - which is another example of a toxic behaviour and abuse of his admin rights. Again, his 'warnings' don't follow any guidelines, they are just self made. Now, I'd like to clarify the point about quitting - I did indeed quit two games in one day before the official game end a few days ago, see below my thoughts on this:
- I did quit two games in one day before the official end of game - quitting is not good and I agree this is not a correct behaviour and noone should be quitting, including myself (which I generally don't - bad days happen)
- However, in both instances my quitting didn't not have ANY impact on the game process or outcome - in the first game I was dead, in the second game I was the only alive player after the whole team crushed. In both cases games finished and league score were recorded.
- I had my reasons to quit, notably in one game there was unfair play after an unlucky save where a player crushed a tower which he lost before the save, changing the game outcome completely.
- One quit can be very different from another quit. my quits had zero impact on the game. Again, quitting is not good generally.
I am long standing player, who plays and hosts a lot of games - I see people quitting left and right, but I don't see Hirtenknogger or any other admin threating or giving them last notices. It is highly likely that Hirtenknogger has a personal hate towards me and potentially some other players and tries to insult me at any convenient and suitable point in time.
I firmly believe that such administarors are not developing the community and such behaviour is detrimental to this community. I don’t see what value he adds to the community as an administrator.
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