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Problem mit siedler 3 auf XP - Hilfe auf English bitte!


Problem mit siedler 3 auf XP - Hilfe auf English bitte!

Gepostet: 30.04.2010 - 14:11 Uhr  ·  #1

My apologies for posting this in English, I don't speak German sadly. If you could respond in English that would be a great help!

I recently repurchased and re-installed Settlers 3 and the Mission CD (but not the Gold Edition - so I have the level editor but not the Amazon expansion). I can get it running in version 1.30 but every time I try to patch it up to 1.60 I get the following error message

structured exception c0000005 occurred at 0x005FADC9. Read from 3cd53bf0 failed

I can't find any fixes for this problem. Can anyone help me solve this? I have tried running it in older compatibilty versions and have downloaded the updated s3.exe file already, which hasn't fixed it.

Many thanks for any help you can give.

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Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Beiträge: 444
Dabei seit: 10 / 2005


Re: Problem mit siedler 3 auf XP - Hilfe auf English bitte!

Gepostet: 30.04.2010 - 16:09 Uhr  ·  #2
Hello boatiemathmo,

unfortunately you didn't describe how you updated your s3 installation, so I'm going to explain you all the steps:

- install your basis s3 normally from the CDs
- after that install your mission CD
- after that install the patch 'Update from version 1.38 and earlier to version 1.60' from this site http://www.siedler3.de/download/update.htm
- finally you have to exchange the file s3.exe with this one --> cb3/downloads.php?view=detail&…il&df_id=8

If you have any doubts just get back to me.

Knight Jim
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Beiträge: 2057
Dabei seit: 05 / 2005


Re: Problem mit siedler 3 auf XP - Hilfe auf English bitte!

Gepostet: 30.04.2010 - 16:11 Uhr  ·  #3
Did you properly upgrade to 1.60 before using the new .exe?

Take a look here:
(although it's only in german).

You need to install
[*]exchange the new S3.exe from S3.zip
In this order. If you already did it this way, then it might be a driver related issue.

edit: oh, too late :)

Re: Problem mit siedler 3 auf XP - Hilfe auf English bitte!

Gepostet: 30.04.2010 - 21:27 Uhr  ·  #4
Hi auditt and Knight Jim,

Thanks for replying, especially so quickly.

I have no idea what fixed it in the end. I followed your instructions and kept going round in circles with it not working - the s3.exe file you linked to kept producing the same error. But then I switched back to the original s3.exe, then back to the new one, then back to the original...about five times, and suddenly now it is working!

Many thanks for your kind help anyway, I hope this topic helps others!

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