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Wrong password when logging in

Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Dabei seit: 01 / 1970


Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 26.11.2020 - 20:12 Uhr  ·  #1

I get a "wrong password" notification when trying to log in - I haven't changed my password or anything else.

When I try "forgot your password?" and enter my name and email it says "data not valid"

What could be the problem?

Alter: 52
Beiträge: 7761
Dabei seit: 04 / 2005


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 26.11.2020 - 21:35 Uhr  ·  #2

der Account wurde deaktiviert, weil es Auffälligkeiten in deinen Verbindungsdaten gibt.

Kannst du uns sagen welcher dein Internetanbieter ist ?
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Dabei seit: 01 / 1970


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 26.11.2020 - 21:49 Uhr  ·  #3
My web provider is ****** - I often play on LTE. sometimes I use wi-fi - provider will vary depending on where I am!

I've been doing this for years and not sure what's the problem?

That's very nice of you to deactivate account without any explanation and not even send me a message.
Alter: 105
Beiträge: 317
Dabei seit: 04 / 2007


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 26.11.2020 - 22:44 Uhr  ·  #4
Instead of deactivating accounts of well known players who have been playing years decades even, asking first might have been advantageous.
Atleast a notification would have been nice.
But I guess thats not the alobby way.
Alter: 52
Beiträge: 7761
Dabei seit: 04 / 2005


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 27.11.2020 - 00:29 Uhr  ·  #5
Uiii Senna ... musst wieder deinen Senf zugeben ohne die Fakten zu kennen?


Kein ***** seit den letzten 8 Wochen, dafür aber:

********** = VPN Service
und ********* ebenfalls ein VPN Service.

Warum ist das so ?
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Alter: 28
Beiträge: 25
Dabei seit: 12 / 2016


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 27.11.2020 - 04:10 Uhr  ·  #6
Ich und osp offensichtlich auch verstehen wohl nicht genau wo das Problem ist. Sind VPN Services in der alobby strikt verboten?
Als kleiner Tipp: Es wäre eventuell Sinnvoll, wenn jemand auf Englisch fragt und dieser auch nur Englisch versteht, man auf Englisch antwortet. Es sei denn, man will bewusst nicht helfen und einen unhöflichen Eindruck hinterlassen.
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Alter: 30
Beiträge: 872
Dabei seit: 04 / 2016


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 27.11.2020 - 11:43 Uhr  ·  #7

Deutsch: 9. die Verwendung von Anonymisierungstechniken wie Dritt-VPN, Proxies oder das Tor-Netzwerk bei der Registrierung in der aLobby und des von der Community bereitgestellten VPN-Dienstes sind untersagt.

English: 9. The use of anonymization techniques such as third-party VPNs, proxies or the Tor network for registration in the aLobby and the VPN service provided by the community is prohibited.
Alter: 28
Beiträge: 804
Dabei seit: 08 / 2015


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 27.11.2020 - 16:07 Uhr  ·  #8
Zitat geschrieben von OttoDerGroSSe

Als kleiner Tipp: Es wäre eventuell Sinnvoll, wenn jemand auf Englisch fragt und dieser auch nur Englisch versteht, man auf Englisch antwortet. Es sei denn, man will bewusst nicht helfen und einen unhöflichen Eindruck hinterlassen.

Man kann hier als Leser mit einem Buttonklick den Post übersetzen lassen ;)
Zitat geschrieben von Sennahoj

Instead of deactivating accounts of well known players who have been playing years decades even, asking first might have been advantageous.

Ramstein hatte osp vorher schon auf die Thematik angesprochen, hat aber wohl keine Wirkung gezeigt... :)
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Dabei seit: 01 / 1970


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 27.11.2020 - 16:12 Uhr  ·  #9

I play from various locations - I travel quite often. ************* is a largest provider of internet - see their website ********************. how come this is a VPN service? what's wrong with that? could you explain me?

I am not a tech expert so I don't understand where the problem is, and I feel that you just wanted to deactivate my account rather than fix the problem (if it exists at all)

By the way - it is not OK to disclose my personal data publicly, including which providers I use, which also discloses my geo location in the last 8 weeks. If you like share my personal data, you can send me a private message.

In regards to senna's comment - what you did was private message me in lobby about why do I use proxy connection or smth like that. I replied to you that I had no idea what a proxy was - I am not a sofrware engineer. Then you sent me a link on my ip and went afk. I kind of asked what you meant by this link with no reply.

Then you deactivate my account without any notice. Really struggling to find an explanation.

If it was knogger who deactivated my account, then I am not surprised. The level of hate that comes from this admin is unparalleled
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Berlin
Beiträge: 430
Dabei seit: 11 / 2010


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 27.11.2020 - 16:48 Uhr  ·  #10
Im sure that you were not blocked for Personal reasons. Relax, rules apply to everyone. However, instead oder telling osp what he did wrong, you, the administration could maybe tell him how to fix this problem. Also, could you not simply use teamspeak to verify osp's identity?

Ich bin mir sicher, dass du nicht aus persönlichen Gründen geblockt würdest. Entspann dich, die Regeln sind für alle gleich. Aber, könntet Ihr, die Administratoren, nicht einfach sagen wie er das Problem lösen kann? Vielleicht könnte man auch einfach teamspeak benutzen um die Identität von osp zu verifizieren?
Alter: 28
Beiträge: 804
Dabei seit: 08 / 2015


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 27.11.2020 - 17:12 Uhr  ·  #11
Zitat geschrieben von Oldschoolpro

By the way - it is not OK to disclose my personal data publicly, including which providers I use, which also discloses my geo location in the last 8 weeks. If you like share my personal data, you can send me a private message.

First of all: i dont think naming an ISP is pretty personal data. All the info i would get from that is that you spend some time in ***** and thats pretty much common knowledge in the alobby i think.

For you to understand our pov a little better i sent you a pn naming the specific IPs.
To us every IP of you in the last 2 months appears to be a VPN/Proxy.
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Berlin
Beiträge: 430
Dabei seit: 11 / 2010


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 27.11.2020 - 17:56 Uhr  ·  #12
Zitat geschrieben von sreny

For you to understand our pov a little better i sent you a pn naming the specific IPs.
To us every IP of you in the last 2 months appears to be a VPN/Proxy.

So how can Osp figure out on his pc whether it is an vpn/proxy? Is there maybe a way to proof it via Screenshot? Is there a possibility that your detection System wrong?
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Dabei seit: 01 / 1970


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 27.11.2020 - 17:57 Uhr  ·  #13
@ sreny It might be common knowledge, but I might not want anyone to know where I've been to and when in the last 8 weeks, which can be easily deducted from the internet provider. This feels intrusive.

Sreny sent me 4 ips that I used to log in the lobby in the last 2 months, which have risk score of 52 to 89. 3 of them are defined as High Risk, 1 is defined as Suspicious. Based on that, Sreny said that it looked to them that I am using a vpn/proxy server. Therefore, I asusme, my account got deactivated.

I've been using my internet with the same providers for many years while playing in alobby. Suddenly, out of nowhere, these IPs raised questions. I am not sure what admins of alobby expect me to say or to do - there was no clarity on this. Moreover, in my previous post I shared a link and explained that ********* is the largest provider of internet in the country, therefore I presume it is obvious that this not a VPN service. If this is correct, than obviously the system that use for VPN detection is not precise, and likely misinterpreted the other IP addresses as high risk (or VPN?) as well.

Obviously, I am not changing my internet providers, which I used for years. Therefore, unless they have another solution, I guess I am temporarly or permanentely out.
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Berlin
Beiträge: 430
Dabei seit: 11 / 2010


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 27.11.2020 - 18:22 Uhr  ·  #14
Maybe you could have a teamviewer session with osp, @sreny? You could check whether his "suspicious" IP is a VPN/proxy? You and Hirtenknogger know OSP for many many years and it's less effort than these endless discussions. Remember who the real enemy is, he is having a good time reading this thread for sure.
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Dabei seit: 01 / 1970


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 27.11.2020 - 18:48 Uhr  ·  #15
Final update from me - Sreny shared 4 of my IPs. I did check them on the first website that dropped out on google. https://whatismyipaddress.com/blacklist-check

Firstly, one of the IPs was a ******** IP, contradicting what Ramstein said, but in line with what I claimed in my post.

Now, on this random website that I mentioned above,
1 IP address (********) is blacklisted on 1 of the anti-spam database out of DOZENS. Is ******** a high risk network I wonder?
1 IP address is blacklisted on 3 out of dozens
1 IP address is blacklisted on 1 out of dozens
1 IP adress is not blacklisted at all

Super confusing what you say guys.
Bastler ohne Hand
Herkunft: Bern
Alter: 40
Homepage: adrianer.org
Beiträge: 3143
Dabei seit: 06 / 2009


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 27.11.2020 - 22:03 Uhr  ·  #16
@OSP: In this case it is unimportant, if the IP is on a blacklist or not, but only, if it has been found to be a VPN or proxy server.

As by switching the providers you not only switch a provider, but also to a different country that is a few thousend kilometers away, this even more souspicious for us - and that behavior looks like a typical VPN.
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Dabei seit: 01 / 1970


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 27.11.2020 - 22:25 Uhr  ·  #17
Adrianer, what's wrong with being in a different country if I am actually in a different country? You know, people travel. I think I said this in my response above. What is unclear about that? When people travel they switch providers obviously.

Do I need to send a note every time I get on a plane? Sorry I am really struggling to follow your logic, which is broken. You tell me that because I play from different locations, I am using a VPN, but this is just an assumption, rather than a fact. In reality, you ignore obvious facts and continue to argue that ******** and ******** are VPN or whatever you call them. You understand that this is nonsense? Both are well-known and leading providers in their respective geographies.

This whole discussion is ridiculous - none, and I want to stress, none of admins who replied so far has provided a helpful answer, which would look like:

"we deactivated your account because of x. If you do a, b or c, we will be able to reactivate your account. sorry for inconvenience"
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Berlin
Beiträge: 430
Dabei seit: 11 / 2010


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 28.11.2020 - 01:39 Uhr  ·  #18
@Oldschoolpro: Maybe you should consider that this problem might not have an easy solution. I mean, you stated yourself that IT is not really your area of expertise. Neither is mine, all I know is that they employ some protection system, which unfortunately blocked you. Just give it some time, I am sure the administration will figure out a solution!

EDIT: By the way, it's also a known fact that OSP is travelling a lot, sreny and Hirtenknogger most likely know that. I vouch for OSP. He is an honorable member of the community.
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Beiträge: 64
Dabei seit: 04 / 2019


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 29.11.2020 - 13:40 Uhr  ·  #19
I don't know what the threat in this specific situation is here, but from my experience, any legal abuse would be redirected to the IP holder.. on the platform I was working on, we blocked botnets and spam IPs, and if any abuse was detected, it was reported with IPs to the authorities and they went to the ISPs. Or is it just about enforcing 'rules' ?
******** IPs were often found on 'public' blacklists (likely) because of infected clients aka spam spreaders.

Be that as it may, I get the fear of certain shitty warning letters... could you maybe analyze the login time points between the different 'locations' and see whether they don't go below travel time distance? That's a bit creepy, though.
Just talk to each other in TS, texts and chats are prone to misunderstandings. maybe incl. @Roxy , our random goddess

By the way:
Zitat geschrieben von Oldschoolpro

By the way - it is not OK to disclose my personal data publicly, including which providers I use, which also discloses my geo location in the last 8 weeks. If you like share my personal data, you can send me a private message.

100% agreed.
Bastler ohne Hand
Herkunft: Bern
Alter: 40
Homepage: adrianer.org
Beiträge: 3143
Dabei seit: 06 / 2009


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 29.11.2020 - 14:15 Uhr  ·  #20
Guys (and girls)! If you were driving instead of the permitted 100 km/h, 150 km/h and then told the policeman in the face that you did not think you had driven too fast, then he would have to live with the lie (but you would still have to pay the fine). It's his job for which he is paid. And he gets psychological support on top of it in his job.

We here are not paid. If all the alarm bells go off for a user - and then such a user backtalks that everything is normal with him and he has done nothing forbidden, but he does not provide more precise information - then we just have no desire to deal with the case. And we don't have to.

Just as it is in real life: kindness and cooperation quickly brings you further, the opposite of this leads you to a dead end...
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