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Wrong password when logging in

Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Berlin
Beiträge: 430
Dabei seit: 11 / 2010


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 29.11.2020 - 14:58 Uhr  ·  #21
@adrianer: Well, the policeman usually has to PROVE that he drove to fast in modern days. By the way, this case actually is more like a policman shooting in somebodies head because he is suspecting a gun and funnily, nobody, not even the dead person knew if he had a gun, because he doesnt know how ia gun looks like.

Instead of writing long messages, you could have SIMPLY ASK FOR INFORMATION adrianer, or better: use this time to write an WIKI_ARTICLE. Of course OSP says he did nothing wrong, because he does THE SAME THING SINCE YEARS, simply playing settlers 3 with his internet connection.

I write this, because your comment is really DISTRUCTIVE in the sense that THE WHOLE COMMUNITY tries to convince that this is nothing personal, but you are, with this comment, making a power struggle out of it.
Bastler ohne Hand
Herkunft: Bern
Alter: 40
Homepage: adrianer.org
Beiträge: 3142
Dabei seit: 06 / 2009


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 29.11.2020 - 15:09 Uhr  ·  #22
@Aiolos: sry, but post #2 in this thread already asked for what we still didn't get, hence my "but he does not provide more precise information". OSP must provide us data to counter that what looks like a VPN is in fact not a VPN connection. But for now he didn't even fully answer the first question we asked him...
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Alter: 55
Beiträge: 79
Dabei seit: 12 / 2019


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 29.11.2020 - 15:12 Uhr  ·  #23
It might be helpful if you give him an example of what you expect. How would one counter if you allege Deutsche Telekom is a VPN provider?
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Dabei seit: 01 / 1970


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 29.11.2020 - 15:20 Uhr  ·  #24
UPDT, but the below text still stands: Adrianer, which question are you referring to? you have the list of the three providers that I use: ********, ******** and ********. What hasn't been answered?

@adriner - would you be so kind and cooperative to address my questions below?


We here are not paid. If all the alarm bells go off for a user - and then such a user backtalks that everything is normal with him and he has done nothing forbidden, but he does not provide more precise information - then we just have no desire to deal with the case. And we don't have to.

Which information that you asked for I didn't provide?
You have information about my internet providers, you have information that I travelled in the last 8 weeks, you also see that I had only 2 geographical locations: ********, then it was ******** ~2.5 weeks then again ********. It was not ********-********-********-********-******** day by day, which basically clarifies the point that I don't use VPN. What's missing from the puzzle adriner? struggling to understand where "I didn't cooperate"

Talking of kindness, since I see you accusing me of not being kind towards you - could you be more precise? you blocked a user without any notice, and then expected him to say "thank you very much for kindly blocking me, how can I cooperate?". In fact, I did ask you in absolutely normal way on 26.11 at 21.49 - what the problem was and explained that I travel and my providers differ therefore.

I then received an unclear response in German, which was not a problem to translate, but you know, the implication of the response clearly was not "kindness or cooperation", rather the opposite. Fine, I got on with it and replied with further clarifications - I provide a copy of my response below.

I reiterated the fact that I play from multiple locations. I explained that ******** is not a vpn service obviously as it's an equivalent of ********, ********, ******** etc in ********. I then asked what's wrong and could you explain me.

I also shared my feelings that this was unfair I didn't feel that you wanted to help me. What's wrong with sharing my feelings? could you please confirm?

I also mentioned that you disclosed my private information - do you disagree with that Adrianer? I wasn't planning to communicate to the entire forum my itinerary for the last month. I don't see why this couldn't have been sent over private messages. In fact, I don't see why this whole issue wasn't resolved with me directly through Private Message - the only reason I wrote a post on the forum, was because I was totally unware that you intentionally deactivated my account. If only I knew the issue I would be discussing this privately. I don't see any benefit of discussing this publicly. It only creates negative emotions and comments as observed so far

I then clarified to everyone what occured before my account got deactivated and reiterated that it was still unclear to me why my account got deactivated. What's wrong with that? Isn't that normal?

Then I shared my feelings again about one of the admins Hirtenknogger - because he's been always discriminative to me, this was discussed already and his response above was stating a problem rather than and attempt to help. This is not kind or cooperative.

I don't see any sort of "uncooperative or unkind behaviour" in relation to resolution of the issue Adrianer. My comment to knogger was nowhere close to insult or anything like that whatsoever. how is this relevant to my account being deactivated and not being restored?

Copy of my response below:


I play from various locations - I travel quite often. ******** is a largest provider of internet - see their website ********. how come this is a VPN service? what's wrong with that? could you explain me?

I am not a tech expert so I don't understand where the problem is, and I feel that you just wanted to deactivate my account rather than fix the problem (if it exists at all)

By the way - it is not OK to disclose my personal data publicly, including which providers I use, which also discloses my geo location in the last 8 weeks. If you like share my personal data, you can send me a private message.

In regards to senna's comment - what you did was private message me in lobby about why do I use proxy connection or smth like that. I replied to you that I had no idea what a proxy was - I am not a sofrware engineer. Then you sent me a link on my ip and went afk. I kind of asked what you meant by this link with no reply.

Then you deactivate my account without any notice. Really struggling to find an explanation.

If it was knogger who deactivated my account, then I am not surprised. The level of hate that comes from this admin is unparalleled
Bastler ohne Hand
Herkunft: Bern
Alter: 40
Homepage: adrianer.org
Beiträge: 3142
Dabei seit: 06 / 2009


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 29.11.2020 - 15:36 Uhr  ·  #25
Zitat geschrieben von Oldschoolpro

Which information that you asked for I didn't provide?

I'd start with your most favorite Internet provider lately:

Still no explanation about that one...

Zitat geschrieben von Oldschoolpro

I also shared my feelings that this was unfair I didn't feel that you wanted to help me. What's wrong with sharing my feelings? could you please confirm?
Then I shared my feelings again about one of the admins Hirtenknogger - because he's been always discriminative to me, this was discussed already and his response above was stating a problem rather than
I don't see any sort of "uncooperative or unkind behaviour" in relation to resolution of the issue Adrianer. My comment to knogger was nowhere close to insult or anything like that whatsoever.

If you can't see it, then I would recommend an eye doctor.
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Dabei seit: 01 / 1970


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 29.11.2020 - 15:41 Uhr  ·  #26
what explanation are you looking for adrianer god damn it? This is so confusing.

I just sent you the web address of this provider - what ELSE do you want me to explain?

Update: adrinaer, continuing on your kindness and cooperation etc. - your reccomendation for an eye doctor is a great one phrase summary of your own attitude. Again, I've responded to all your questions to the best of my ability or I've asked for clarifications. I am free to express my feelings without insulting anyone. If I feel that there is hate coming towards me from Hirtenkogger, there is nothing wrong with stating that. That is my feeling and as far as I am aware sharing feelings on this forum is nor prohibited. correct me, if I am wrong.
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Berlin
Beiträge: 430
Dabei seit: 11 / 2010


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 29.11.2020 - 17:50 Uhr  ·  #27
Zitat geschrieben von adrianer

Zitat geschrieben von Oldschoolpro

I also shared my feelings that this was unfair I didn't feel that you wanted to help me. What's wrong with sharing my feelings? could you please confirm?
Then I shared my feelings again about one of the admins Hirtenknogger - because he's been always discriminative to me, this was discussed already and his response above was stating a problem rather than
I don't see any sort of "uncooperative or unkind behaviour" in relation to resolution of the issue Adrianer. My comment to knogger was nowhere close to insult or anything like that whatsoever.

If you can't see it, then I would recommend an eye doctor.

I already have an eye doctor and quite nice glasses. I reckon I need a brain doctor, because I dont even know what you are talking about. What is "it" that I should "see"?

EDIT: Is it about OSP being paranoid?
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Beiträge: 48
Dabei seit: 08 / 2018


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 30.11.2020 - 10:16 Uhr  ·  #28
I've followed this article by accident, but now I've got some questions related to this topic.

First of all I would have reacted the same way as osp if I didn't konw anything about VPN. I didn't read anything to explain osp a little bit what VPN is. At least in this public part of the forum there wasn't that much form of cooperation willingness. But I don't want to accuse anyone for beeing unfriendly or something similiar, because I have probably much higher standards for myself then they are realistic and I won't know all that has been written anywhere over the past years.
Nevertheless osp is a well known member for years and I can't remember that he is someone who makes trouble from time to time.

But in the end, I've got some questions for my time at the lobby. What if I travel to another country that isn't as western as germany in the near future? (At the moment there's a good chance that I am) Do I have to expect that when I have the largest internet provider in that new country (and this company does sell VPN too like telecom), my account will be deactivated? And at last osp said, that he plays often over LTE and I don't know enough about the IP's to know if IP's are changing that way, but I think they are. Is it a problem If I'm travelling much and my IP is changing often that way?

But the most important question I have is: If my account got deactivated, what can I do? That's the same question osp asked over and over again and I didn't read a helpful answer. What can someone like osp do to proof he isn't using vpn?

I could understand, that you have security problems, because osp uses an ******* internet provider these days, but there was no explanation towards that way.

PS: Please put the Knogger topic aside. I doesn't help anyone. And it's not the right way to accuse an admin in such a case.

I would be pleased if those questions could be answered or if there's an solution with osp and internet providers from other countries.
Cheers Casjen
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Dabei seit: 01 / 1970


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 30.11.2020 - 21:16 Uhr  ·  #29

Answer was pretty simple, the route to the answer was not however. For the benefit of others, see below what was required:

1. Your current Internet IPv4 address based on e.g. https://www.geodatatool.com/
2. List of currently running processes in the Task Manager
3. List of installed software
4. List of network adapters with their current IP adresses
+ website of the network provider

Simple list, simple to execute, not so simple to communicate. Lots of not so plesant discussions could have been avoided, have I had this list initially.

Ideally, this list should be posted somewhere for transparency and clarity of actions in the case a similar situation occurs (which seems likely, e.g based on what you said above).

gl hf

UPDT: The last but not the least - thanks to all those in the community who helped and shared support on the forum and beyond forum. Special thanks to senna and aiolos for taking their time to speak to admins to try find a solution.
Alter: 36
Beiträge: 161
Dabei seit: 05 / 2013


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 01.12.2020 - 09:47 Uhr  ·  #30
Zitat geschrieben von Casjen98

But in the end, I've got some questions for my time at the lobby. What if I travel to another country that isn't as western as germany in the near future? (At the moment there's a good chance that I am) Do I have to expect that when I have the largest internet provider in that new country (and this company does sell VPN too like telecom), my account will be deactivated? And at last osp said, that he plays often over LTE and I don't know enough about the IP's to know if IP's are changing that way, but I think they are. Is it a problem If I'm travelling much and my IP is changing often that way?

In addition, to what OSP said.
In general you can play from where ever you want in the world. But whenever you do not use your own internet at home you still should know what kind of connection you use.
E.g. When using WiFi in hotels you should be aware that they often use a proxy.
Also whatever IP you get while traveling might have a bad quality score, without you been doing something wrong.
So of course we cannot guarantee, that there will be no problems at all when using different internet connections from different countries.

But still we will always try our best to figure out a solution when there are any problems.
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Alter: 55
Beiträge: 46
Dabei seit: 01 / 2019


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 01.12.2020 - 17:17 Uhr  ·  #31
Proxy / VPN einfach erklärt
Um vielleicht dem ein oder anderen das Leben zu vereinfachen, dachte ich mir ich setze mich mal an das Thema dran, sodass man es einfach verständlich für jedermann vlt als Thread fixieren kann.
Was ist ein Proxy?
Ein Proxy wird verwendet, um seine eigene IP zu verschlüsseln bzw. zu verbergen – grob gesehen.
Der Proxy wird oftmals in Firmen eingesetzt, zurzeit sogar vermehrt, da durch die Corona Zeit viele aus dem Homeoffice herausarbeiten. Damit soll gewährleistet werden, dass die Identifikation der einzelnen Person gewährleistet ist. Proxys werden aber nicht nur in Firmen eingesetzt, sondern eben auch bei Providern. Bsp.: Vodafone, Telekom, 1&1 und Co.
Beispiel: Du surfst von zuhause aus über einen sogenannten WLAN-Stick. Dies bedeutet das du dich mit diesem WLAN-Stick mittels Proxys auf ein Mobilfunknetz verbindest. Der Proxy sorgt dafür das deine Rechner Adresse verborgen bleibt, sodass niemand auf dein Rechner zugreifen kann. Dies hat viele Sicherheitsaspekte für dich und auch für andere. Jedoch verbirgt sich dahinter auch eine gewisse Gefahr für den „Empfänger“. Deine Identität ist eben durch diesen Proxy verborgen und man kann im Schatten agieren. Dies soll kein Freifahrtsschein sein, eher im Gegenteil. Proxys befinden sich zumeist auf unseriösen Servern im WWW, die meist listed sind. Dies führt dazu, dass einige Server demnach die Verbindungen ablehnen.
Ebenso wie hier im Beispiel, verbindest du dich über dein Handy oder einen WLAN-Stick zum Internet. Je nach Geolocation, Provider o.Ä. wird deine IP-Adresse verändert, auch durch oben genannte Proxys. Dies führt wiederum zu solch einer Aktion wie sie hier im Topic beschrieben wurde.

Was ist VPN?
VPN steht für Virtual private Network und wie der Name es auch schon sagt, handelt es sich hierbei um ein virtuelles PRIVATES Netzwerk. Sprich, du verbindest dich mit der von dir angegebenen IP-Adresse auf eine gesicherte Verbindung. Analog zu dem (nicht absichtlich) eingesetzten Proxy Server kann hieraus ein Problem entstehen, dass vlt nicht absichtlich, aber dennoch massive Probleme hinter sich herziehen kann. Meist für denjenigen der das VPN betreibt. Ich hoffe ich konnte vielleicht die ein oder andere Verständnis frage lösen oder etwas auflockern.
In diesem Sinne, Greeting in die Runde 😊

Proxy / VPN simply explained
To make life easier for some of you, I thought I'd sit down with the topic, so that you can fix it as a thread in a way that is easy to understand for everyone.
What is a proxy?
A proxy is used to encrypt or hide your own IP - roughly speaking.
The proxy is often used in companies, at the moment even more, because of the corona time many people work out of the home office. This is to ensure that the identification of the individual person is guaranteed. Proxies are not only used in companies, but also by providers. For example: Vodafone, Telekom, 1&1 and Co.
Example: You surf from home via a so-called WLAN stick. This means that you connect to a mobile network with this WLAN stick using proxies. The proxy makes sure that your computer address is hidden, so that nobody can access your computer. This has many security aspects for you and also for others. However, there is also a certain danger for the "receiver" behind it. Your identity is hidden by this proxy and you can act in the shadow. This is not meant to be a free ticket, quite the contrary. Proxies are mostly located on dubious servers in the WWW, which are mostly listed. This leads to the fact that some servers refuse the connections.
Just like here in the example, you connect to the internet via your cell phone or a WLAN stick. Depending on the geolocation, provider or similar, your IP address will be changed, also by the above mentioned proxies. This again leads to an action like the one described in this topic.

What is VPN?
VPN stands for Virtual Private Network and as the name already says, it is a virtual PRIVATE network. In other words, you connect to a secure connection using the IP address you have specified. Analogous to the (not intentionally) used proxy server, this can lead to a problem that may not be intentional, but can still cause massive problems. Mostly for the person who runs the VPN. I hope I could solve the one or other understanding question or loosen up a little bit.
With this in mind, Greeting to the round 😊
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Berlin
Beiträge: 430
Dabei seit: 11 / 2010


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 01.12.2020 - 20:12 Uhr  ·  #32
Zitat geschrieben von mathias

Analog zu dem (nicht absichtlich) eingesetzten Proxy Server kann hieraus ein Problem entstehen, dass vlt nicht absichtlich, aber dennoch massive Probleme hinter sich herziehen kann. Meist für denjenigen der das VPN betreibt.

Da wäre es noch interessant herauszufinden, inwiefern der Betreiber hier in massive Probleme gerät. Ich habe ein wenig gegoogelt und es scheint so, als müsste der Betreiber im Fall der Fälle alle Daten, die er besitzt, zur Verfügung stellen. Außerdem sollte er deshalb IP-Listen zur Verfügung haben. Ob damit aber eindeutig eine Identifikation möglich sein muss, konnte ich nicht rausfinden. Außerdem gibt es noch Störerhaftung, aber die scheint mir restlos abgegrenzt von der Identifikationsproblematik zu sein.

Hat jemand davon Ahnung oder kennt Stichwörter mit denen man sich schlau machen kann? Ist ja auf jeden fall interessant.
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Alter: 55
Beiträge: 79
Dabei seit: 12 / 2019


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 02.12.2020 - 18:46 Uhr  ·  #33
@Aiolos, denke du musst hier unterscheiden zwischem dem Third-Party VPN Verbot (Regel der aLobby) und dem aLobby-VPN, was zum Siedler-Spielen genutzt wird.

Aus meiner Sicht entsteht durch das Siedler-VPN der aLobby kein Haftungsrisiko, da das VPN ja lediglich für Siedler-Traffic genutzt wird und nicht regulärer Internet-Traffic darüber läuft. Die VPN-Anbieter, auf die du dich beziehst, erlauben ja den regulären Internet-Traffic über ihr VPN durchzuleiten.

Das Verbot von Third-Party VPN seitens der aLobby ist vielmehr darin begründet, dass die aLobby jemanden eindeutig identifizieren möchte, um ihn wegen virtuellem Hausfriedensbruch(?) strafrechtlich zu verfolgen. Was die aLobby sich von einer Verurteilung verspricht, sei mal dahingestellt, aber es handelt sich wohl um persönliche Gründe.
Alter: 52
Beiträge: 7761
Dabei seit: 04 / 2005


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 02.12.2020 - 20:01 Uhr  ·  #34
Zitat geschrieben von JHNP727

Das Verbot von Third-Party VPN seitens der aLobby ist vielmehr darin begründet, dass die aLobby jemanden eindeutig identifizieren möchte, um ihn wegen virtuellem Hausfriedensbruch(?) strafrechtlich zu verfolgen. Was die aLobby sich von einer Verurteilung verspricht, sei mal dahingestellt, aber es handelt sich wohl um persönliche Gründe.

Korrekt !

Nicks wurden freigegeben.
Relevante IP Adressen sind gesperrt.
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Dabei seit: 01 / 1970


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 03.12.2020 - 13:53 Uhr  ·  #35
@ramstein @adrianer

So I tried logging in today and I wasn't able to. Then I tried to log in the forum and I couldn't even log in either. It took me some time but then I realised that you had blocked all of my ips. So I had to use another internet provider (by the way - exactly the same LTE provider, but a different sim car - how ridiculous is that?) to access the forum.

Why was my ips were blocked? I've provided all the information about each network to Adrinaer and he checked it via teamviewer and confirmed that everything was ok and that I was not using a vpn. What was the purpose of this whole exercise then?

Why I wasn't informed about the fact that you will block my ip? We've had a long discussion here and at least, as a minimum, out of politeness it made sense to let me know? Especially after I have provided all information that you requested. This just continues to make no sense to me.

Finally, ramstein, could you please explain why my personal data has been publicly disclosed on this forum without my consent? You haven't replied, but I'd like an explanation. I really didn't want to get back into this topic and wanted to let it go, but since the blocking and overall disrepectful attitude towards me continues, I'd like to get an explanation.

Update: I guess I won't be able to view the response LOL as they should technically block the ip from Vodafone (since they blocked my other Vodafone IP) that I just used to log in.
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Alter: 30
Beiträge: 872
Dabei seit: 04 / 2016


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 03.12.2020 - 14:52 Uhr  ·  #36
Zitat geschrieben von Oldschoolpro

Why was my ips were blocked? I've provided all the information about each network to Adrinaer and he checked it via teamviewer and confirmed that everything was ok and that I was not using a vpn. What was the purpose of this whole exercise then?

Zitat geschrieben von ramstein

Nicks wurden freigegeben.
Relevante IP Adressen sind gesperrt.

Means: you can log in to the alobby because it seems that you are not using a external Proxy/VPN and play but IP addresses with a fraud score >= 80 are blocked. You need a healthy IP to play in the aLobby.

You can check your IP addresses here: https://www.ipqualityscore.com/free-ip-lookup-proxy-vpn-test

Its very hard to get a fraud score > 80 because that means that you might use a proxy/vpn (adrianer checked that part so your account got free) AND YOUR IP IS ON A OFFICIAL BLACKLIST because your IP address was "used for fraudulent behavior and malicious activity based on RECENT actions by this IP address. IPQS has recently detected abusive behavior from this connection" = HACKING ATTEMPT. Those addresses are obviously not allowed here cause we want to protect our platform and users. I am sorry that you cant play. If you are able to get a normal address you can play because your account is not blocked. I hope I could help you.

Zitat geschrieben von Oldschoolpro

Why I wasn't informed about the fact that you will block my ip? We've had a long discussion here and at least, as a minimum, out of politeness it made sense to let me know? Especially after I have provided all information that you requested. This just continues to make no sense to me.

You got informed through the post which i have quoted above from @ramstein. As you should know by now any kind of communication takes place here via the forum.
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Beiträge: 827
Dabei seit: 04 / 2006


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 03.12.2020 - 14:56 Uhr  ·  #37
Quite sad to see this issue to be continued.
Zitat geschrieben von Oldschoolpro

Why was my ips were blocked? I've provided all the information about each network to Adrinaer and he checked it via teamviewer and confirmed that everything was ok and that I was not using a vpn. What was the purpose of this whole exercise then?
Why I wasn't informed about the fact that you will block my ip? We've had a long discussion here and at least, as a minimum, out of politeness it made sense to let me know? Especially after I have provided all information that you requested. This just continues to make no sense to me.

Correct me if I am wrong, but it might have been an automatic block of an IP-range based on a quality analysis of a rating software. In this case, your block just happened to be an unfortunate side effect. It's simply impractical to warn users beforehand.

Zitat geschrieben von Oldschoolpro

since the blocking and overall disrepectful attitude towards me continues, I'd like to get an explanation.

Regarding the behaviour of some admins here, I recommend not to take it too seriously. It's not that I'm saying it's ok, but you just can't change them. This is not a commercial business where they are really bound to follow some official code of conduct.
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Dabei seit: 01 / 1970


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 03.12.2020 - 15:22 Uhr  ·  #38

Thanks for a bit more details, this is actually helpful. However, I still don't get why my IPs were not blocked a month ago, half a year ago, a year ago, etc. - I kept using the same provider throughout. And therefore why they got blocked now after all the checks. If this was about changing IPs from the very beginning, then again I am not sure why I had to go through the checks... just tell me - change IPs or you can't play, because this is essentially what you are saying now. You get how confusing this is? Maybe I am missing something.

Yes, it's obvious that communication happens in the forum. But there is no communication as I mentioned above. I just get blocked and then have to figure out what's wrong. Adrianer never told me that my IPs will get blocked on the forum.


See above, this is not an automatic block. Re behaviour of admins - this is none of my business, they are obviously free to behave as they like and I've never wanted ot tried to change their behaviour. I can though express my feelings about someone's behaviour and attitude - there is nothing wrong about that, and it's his or her choice whether to react to or ignore the feedback.

But. Sharing openly, without my consent, my personal data, which they hold, is not allowed.
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Beiträge: 827
Dabei seit: 04 / 2006


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 03.12.2020 - 15:38 Uhr  ·  #39
Zitat geschrieben von Oldschoolpro

If this was about changing IPs from the very beginning, then again I am not sure why I had to go through the checks... just tell me - change IPs or you can't play, because this is essentially what you are saying now.

Well these are obviously two different issues. On the one hand the complete deactivation of your account, on the other hand the block of specific IPs.
However, the latter trumps the first, so it's impossible to play with an activated account and bad IP.
Zitat geschrieben von Oldschoolpro

I can though express my feelings about someone's behaviour and attitude - there is nothing wrong about that, and it's his or her choice whether to react to or ignore the feedback.

It can be somewhat annoying to read your feedback again and again, you know. Still good luck with that strategy!
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Dabei seit: 01 / 1970


Re: Wrong password when logging in

Gepostet: 03.12.2020 - 16:40 Uhr  ·  #40
You don’t need to read it again and again uknownspirit. I don’t see your point.

If I need a new ip to play anyway, why do I need to do teamviewer sessions. That’s unclear and actually annoying.

My point about personal data is clear. I haven’t got a response though yet.
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Weitere Informationen zu den verwendeten Daten kannst Du der Datenschutzerklärung entnehmen.