I feel like I am being nothing but patient and respectful despite the way my whole situation has been handled. It literally only takes 2 mins to look through my history, to get an insight on what happened.
11.09.2017 I get banned for nickfake (I apologised many times, and really said that I am sorry and never created another new nickname or tried to get another VPN)
26.10.2017 I get unbanned (can be found here -
gesperrte-lobbyuser-t6496.html )
29.10.2017 Despite being unbanned I am still IP banned, I post on the forum about this and it gets fixed (
der-alobby-update-server-ist-nicht-erreichbar-t6943.html )
At this time I am very busy with work so I don't think I really play for a long time. In the start of 2019 I get time again, and start playing again, everything is working fine for some days, but one day I log on and just like now, my VPN doesnt work, I post about this on the forum but just like now, I get completely ignored. (
vpn-not-connected-t8049.html )
As I am still busy, and don't have that much time to play computer games I don't bother making more out of it. Before now where I again once in my life found some time to invest into computer games, and I obviously wanted to try Settlers again, but just to be met with the same problems, and to be ignored. I never had anything but respect and appreciation for the work they have done and are doing to keep this game and community alive, which is also why I am not trying anything else, than actually just trying to get this account to work.
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