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VPN not connected

Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Alter: 34
Beiträge: 28
Dabei seit: 03 / 2017


VPN not connected

Gepostet: 12.03.2021 - 03:16 Uhr  ·  #1
Hope you can help. Thanks/danke
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Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Berlin
Beiträge: 430
Dabei seit: 11 / 2010


Re: VPN not connected

Gepostet: 12.03.2021 - 20:50 Uhr  ·  #2
Hey nice to see you!
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Alter: 34
Beiträge: 28
Dabei seit: 03 / 2017


Re: VPN not connected

Gepostet: 18.03.2021 - 14:16 Uhr  ·  #3
Thanks! Nice to see you too! :) Sadly it seems like they don't want to spend 10 seconds on activating my VPN because I am not from Germany, always good to see people get threated fairly, no matter where they are from :-)

But thanks for your reply Aiolos, I still remember playing with you almost 15-20 years ago.. You were named Opus Dei if I remember correctly, or you had some holy name, it's so long that I can't remember correctly, but I am quite possive, that there is something about it.
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Berlin
Beiträge: 430
Dabei seit: 11 / 2010


Re: VPN not connected

Gepostet: 18.03.2021 - 21:05 Uhr  ·  #4
Opus dei? :D wtf. I am Suma and it hasn't been 15 years, more like five or so. Btw. I am 100% positive that they don't treat you like that because of your origin - they are equally strict with everyone. Haven't you been banned for some reason? I bet if you apologize for your past sins, ramstein will give you a second chance ;)
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Alter: 34
Beiträge: 28
Dabei seit: 03 / 2017


Re: VPN not connected

Gepostet: 18.03.2021 - 21:52 Uhr  ·  #5
Ahhhhh sorry my bad. I think I am confussing you with Agafu :D I was talking old times on bluebyte, but sorry, that's Agafu, not Aiolos ^^

Ah yea, that's right, Suma. I remember now. :D

Well, yea I made the mistake of making another nickname/VPN all those years ago, and I did apologise and never did it again, but I havent been able to play ever since. There's been people doing it before me, and after me (Not that it justifies what I did - BUT) nobody has ever been banned more than a week or so. I am on my what 4-5th year now ?
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Berlin
Beiträge: 430
Dabei seit: 11 / 2010


Re: VPN not connected

Gepostet: 19.03.2021 - 21:14 Uhr  ·  #6
Haha, thats far from true. Many people are permanently banned. However, I think all of them committed some more serious offences against the authority or didn't apologize. Come on man, just show some respect and appreciation ;) The community needs strong players like you
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Alter: 34
Beiträge: 28
Dabei seit: 03 / 2017


Re: VPN not connected

Gepostet: 20.03.2021 - 18:43 Uhr  ·  #7
I feel like I am being nothing but patient and respectful despite the way my whole situation has been handled. It literally only takes 2 mins to look through my history, to get an insight on what happened.

11.09.2017 I get banned for nickfake (I apologised many times, and really said that I am sorry and never created another new nickname or tried to get another VPN)

26.10.2017 I get unbanned (can be found here - gesperrte-lobbyuser-t6496.html )

29.10.2017 Despite being unbanned I am still IP banned, I post on the forum about this and it gets fixed ( der-alobby-update-server-ist-nicht-erreichbar-t6943.html )

At this time I am very busy with work so I don't think I really play for a long time. In the start of 2019 I get time again, and start playing again, everything is working fine for some days, but one day I log on and just like now, my VPN doesnt work, I post about this on the forum but just like now, I get completely ignored. ( vpn-not-connected-t8049.html )

As I am still busy, and don't have that much time to play computer games I don't bother making more out of it. Before now where I again once in my life found some time to invest into computer games, and I obviously wanted to try Settlers again, but just to be met with the same problems, and to be ignored. I never had anything but respect and appreciation for the work they have done and are doing to keep this game and community alive, which is also why I am not trying anything else, than actually just trying to get this account to work.
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Alter: 29
Beiträge: 872
Dabei seit: 04 / 2016


Re: VPN not connected

Gepostet: 20.03.2021 - 20:27 Uhr  ·  #8
11.09.2017: You got banned because you created the nicks: Kribusaug, Kristian, NydLivet, OptimumMajor and Karamba
15:09.2017: You created the Nick Unkown and tried to play
17.09.2017: You created the Nick Annoy and tried to play
26.10.2017: You got unbanned for your Nick icontroll and were able to play since 29.10.2017
17.11.2018: You asked as kristian when you would be unbanned. We told you to use your Nick icontroll.
08.01.2019: You created the Nick Semtaxx and tried to play.

You said (https://www.siedler3.net/icontroll-kristian-kribusaug-problems-logging-alobby-p60713.html#real60713):
"I swear on my life I have nothing to do with Semtaxx."
You have lied to us because we can see that it was you and you have shown us that you have learned nothing from your Ban.
Due to particularly severe circumstances, the ban remains in place. See icontroll-kristian-kribusaug-p…#real60719
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Alter: 34
Beiträge: 28
Dabei seit: 03 / 2017


Re: VPN not connected

Gepostet: 20.03.2021 - 20:55 Uhr  ·  #9
Well I know that I never created another nickname or attempted to do so after I was unbanned in 26.10.2017. And despite being unbanned I still had problems, like getting IP banned out of the blue, which got removed, and also my VPN suddenly starting to work out of the blue.

Yes. I sweared on my life I had nothing to do with Semtaxx which you blamed me for, and that is a fact. I already told exactly how it is, and there is no way you can prove that. I am pretty sure since he was speaking german, that he is from Germany and has a completely normal IP from Germany, how would I get that, and I why wouldnt I just use that if I wanted to have other nicknames? The fact is that YOU made a mistake by blaming me for trying to create another nickfake and that I was him, when I wasnt. It should only take you 2 minutes if you actually checked your facts, but you don't care about that despite being wrong. I am not going to admit to have done something that I havent done. And I never created or tried to create another nickname since I was unbanned 26.10.2017 and that is a fact.
Bastler ohne Hand
Herkunft: Bern
Alter: 40
Homepage: adrianer.org
Beiträge: 3129
Dabei seit: 06 / 2009


Re: VPN not connected

Gepostet: 21.03.2021 - 01:05 Uhr  ·  #10
Zitat geschrieben von iConTroLL

I am pretty sure since he was speaking german, that he is from Germany and has a completely normal IP from Germany (...)
And I never created or tried to create another nickname since I was unbanned 26.10.2017 and that is a fact.

And here you lie again - twice:
[Jan 12 19:46:30 2019] [IP-ANONYMIZED].cgn.fibianet.dk: iConTroLL changed nick from nerospeed to Semtaxx

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