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Last words on the topic

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Last words on the topic

Gepostet: 21.03.2021 - 02:52  ·  #1
[Jan 12 19:46:30 2019] [IP-ANONYMIZED].cgn.fibianet.dk: iConTroLL changed nick from nerospeed to Semtaxx

I tried to explain you many times exactly what happened, and why it should be easy to tell that what I am saying is true, if you actually listen and check it. But I will try one last time, and hopefully you will actually just listen for once and see for yourself.

There was a problem with the alobby at that time when I tried to join again, as described in this topic - fehler-bei-registrierung-der-alobby-t7863.html

Long time goes, and no update, I lose patience and get afraid I might be forgot since nobody is updating the topic or saying anything, so I try to login to the alobby with my account icontroll and receive the same message, and that I still can't login, I try check some of the other people who had the same problem as me in that topic, and try to login with their names to see if it's the same, or it's just icontroll. I tried login icontroll, doesnt work, then nerospeed, doesnt work, then samtexx, and it doesnt work either, and I get the same message, so I atleast know it's not just my icontroll account its wrong with, I also try login with name nexus, but it said wrong password, the password I was using to trying to login was the new automated password to my account icontroll which was 12345678 or something like that, which was the password I had entered while trying to login to both nerospeed, samtexx AND nexus.

Both nerospeed and samtexx posted in this topic fehler-bei-registrierung-der-alobby-t7863.html

I know nobody of them have ever logged in, or posted on this site with my IP or vice verca, and it should be easy for you to check that Samtexx messages was either genuine german or that his post or logins were made from a normal german IP and provider(And the same thing with nerospeed/nerosweed), and the only thing that can connect us, was my stupid attemt back then to try and login to the alobby via those names, while there was some problems with alobby, because I never got logged in, I never played or were online with their logins, it was only that 1 single time I did it as I explained in this message, and I tried to explain you so many times back then.

If you actually check up on this, you have to see that I am telling the truth, because this is really the honest truth.

SHORT STORY: There's problems with the alobby for some people - fehler-bei-registrierung-der-alobby-t7863.html

I lost patience, because many days go by and no news or update, so I try login to the alobby with my own nickname and the automated password sent to me: 12345678, and the names of 2 people with the same problems as me found in the linked topic (nerosweed and samtexx) and nexus, to see if the message I received while login in was the same. I found out the message was the same for all attempts exept for when I tried to login to nexus, it said wrong password. And then I didnt try again exept for when the alobby started working again and I logged into icontroll and was banned shortly after for this mistake.. I don't understand how you can think we are the same, when Samtexx have both logged into this site and posted on this site more than once, and nerosweed too. And I am pretty sure everytime they logged into this site or everytime they tried to login to the alobby it was with the same and problably even an official german internet provider, just like I am using the same official danish internet provider for years.

Please do me a favor and check all the facts about this incident, and tell me that what I am saying here is not the truth, because I swear it is, and if you really check what I am saying with what happened, you should know too.

Thank you!
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Re: Last words on the topic

Gepostet: 21.03.2021 - 11:32  ·  #2

I also try login with name nexus, but it said wrong password, the password I was using to trying to login was the new automated password to my account icontroll which was 12345678 or something like that, which was the password I had entered while trying to login to both nerospeed, samtexx AND nexus.

Why do you want to login with MY nickname?
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Age: 34
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Re: Last words on the topic

Gepostet: 21.03.2021 - 13:48  ·  #3
Quote by neXus


I also try login with name nexus, but it said wrong password, the password I was using to trying to login was the new automated password to my account icontroll which was 12345678 or something like that, which was the password I had entered while trying to login to both nerospeed, samtexx AND nexus.

Why do you want to login with MY nickname?

I am sorry, but as described in the link I posted, you can see that there was a problem for some people logging on to the lobby, because I would get the same message everytime I tried to login, so I just wanted to check if it gave me the same message no matter if I was using another nickname, or if the error was just stuck to my nickname. I never had the intention of trying to login to any of the accounts, I simply wanted to see if the message I received was the same.

So shortly said, I didnt want to login with your name, I wanted to see what message I would receive while trying login to your name, and just like Nerospeed and Samtexx, it was completely random. I tried their names, because I knew they have had the same problem as me, and I tried your name, because I knew your name existed, and I wanted to see if it was the same message I received all the time while trying to log in, no matter what name I was using.

I am trying to tell exactly what happened, which is why I am trying to give as many details as possible, and I know if you actually fact check my story, it should be clear that I am telling the truth. I mean the guys you are framing me to be, are both from Germany and are talking deutsch and probably have an official german IP provider they have used every single time they logged onto this site, every time they posted, and everytime they themself was trying to login to the alobby.
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Re: Last words on the topic

Gepostet: 21.03.2021 - 14:21  ·  #4
Come on guys, thats totally normal. If something doesn't work, you start trying weird stuff in order to fix it. There is nothing wrong about it. It's not like he tried 10.000 passwords to login with the nickname "nexus".
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Re: Last words on the topic

Gepostet: 21.03.2021 - 14:25  ·  #5
It's quite a lot of text which I have only skimmed, but how about just re-instating his account?

Creating a smurf account is quite common in other games, and even if it is prohibited here, it seems like a permaban is a bit much. Settlers is not a big community, and a permaban is one player lost forever.

If he was banned for a couple of years, that seems like he can get another chance now?
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Re: Last words on the topic

Gepostet: 21.03.2021 - 14:31  ·  #6
I was just asking :-)

Ill know iControl from a lot of games as a strong and fair player. I would also be happy to see him once more playing with us.

But again, the decision lies on the admins hands not on mine. But everybody deserve a second chance.....
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Re: Last words on the topic

Gepostet: 22.03.2021 - 19:57  ·  #7
Thanks, I know it's a bit confusing, english is not my main language either, and getting older havent made my english any better, and it's not the easiest thing to explain, but I tried as good as I can, because the worst thing about all this, is that I am actually telling the truth.

As I said, the only thing that can connect me to Semtaxx, is me trying to login to the alobby with his name one time, while the server was down as mentionen here: [Jan 12 19:46:30 2019] [IP-ANONYMIZED].cgn.fibianet.dk: iConTroLL changed nick from nerospeed to Semtaxx

This is the only time where we could be mixed, which was me trying to login the alobby using different names, to see if the message I received would be the same, because there was a problem for some people as mentionen in this topic: fehler-bei-registrierung-der-alobby-t7863.html

In this topic you can see that both me, nerosweed and semtaxx has posted in this topic. I don't know why I never got accused of being nerosweed aswell, but I guess it was because I missspelled his name nerospeed ?
[Jan 12 19:46:30 2019] [IP-ANONYMIZED].cgn.fibianet.dk: iConTroLL changed nick from nerospeed to Semtaxx
But I am either of these people, and this is the only time/thing that connected us, which was as I explained, me being afraid that the problem was either tied to my account icontroll or computer, because I was just receiving the same message all the time, so I tried with 2 other random names, which I knew had the same problem as me, because I saw they had posted in this topic regarding the problem: fehler-bei-registrierung-der-alobby-t7863.html

And if you don't believe my story, which you should know was true if you checked up on it, it should be easy to just check what IP Semtaxx used everytime he posted on this site? Everytime he logged in or what IP he used when he himself tried to login to Semtaxx? I might be wrong, but it should be easy to check that everytime he posted and logged in to the site, he probably used the same known and official internet provider from Germany? Because I know that I have nothing to do with him, and the only thing that connect us is me trying to login to the alobby with different names to see what message it would give me, at no time did I ever logon or try to get on to any of the accounts. Not once before, not once after, only this one time that day where I in rapid session tried with some other names than my own icontroll, because days went by and nobody said anything or any updates, so I tried to get an "update" myself. Never ever had I thought it could ever turn out this way, and that I could be actually mixed with another person I have nothing to do with, and seems to be from Germany while I am from Denmark. But it somehow happened, and I am really not guilty of this, which is why I really you will just take the time to actually check what I am saying is true, because it really is, and I tried to explain my best, and tried to explain how you maybe also could find out, that I am speaking the truth.

Thank you Aiolos, Nexus and JHNP727, thanks for your time, reading and responding.


Thanks all, I really hope someone in the administration will take their time to check up on some of the facts to see that my story is true. Take all the time you need to, just promise me, that you actually are looking into this to find the truth. Thanks for the time and work you do to keep the game and community alive.
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Re: Last words on the topic

Gepostet: 27.03.2021 - 20:47  ·  #8
@iConTroLL: after researching your case once again I can confirm that you were not semtaxx . Your (failed) tries to log in using using semtaxx's account made it look to the system, as if you were him. I can understand that you wanted to try out something just to see if you were the only one affected by the problem back in 2019 - but trying to log in via someone else's account without approval is, to say the least, a pretty bad idea - and the idea brought you a two year ban (and semtaxx too...) without any need...

Nonetheless, two years is more than enough: the VPN key ban is lifted - you can play again.
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Re: Last words on the topic

Gepostet: 27.03.2021 - 22:34  ·  #9
Thank you so much adrianer, really - thank you! I know it was stupid, I had just never thought it could be seen this way in the system, but yea, I made a mistake, I should have been patient and waited, but thankfully it's all sorted out now, so once again thank you that.

And thank you to everyone else!

Looking forward to see you all online again :)
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