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Google tables for quitters

streikender Siedler
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Google tables for quitters

Gepostet: 28.12.2016 - 23:30  ·  #1
Hi all,

I suggest to start a simple google sheet with names of all alobby players and make sure we mark every time a player leaves a game or doesn't rejoin a save.

It is getting a bit irritating with new players (and some old ones) who quit/don't rejoin the saves and behave as they want.

I can create the google sheet but would be great if one of the admins creates it and avertises the link on forum and alobby. It takes less than a minute to create a shared goodle excel sheet, but it will keep people accountable.

Let me know what you think guys.

Location: Italy
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Re: Google tables for quitters

Gepostet: 29.12.2016 - 00:42  ·  #2
Hi Osp, i use this one

Some People call it Brain.
This Community is small, so it's not difficult to remember. My choice, dont play with them.
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Re: Google tables for quitters

Gepostet: 03.01.2017 - 23:18  ·  #3
Dann warte ich auf den Tag, wo OSP nen Stromausfall hat und net zum Save kommen kann. Mal gucken wie schnell er auf der Liste steht.
Das Thema Quitterliste wurde doch schon diskutiert.

Das Internet wird immer anfälliger für Verbindungsabbrüche und gerade der "Rage-Quitter-Nummer1" OSP schlägt so ne Liste vor...wie geil.
Location: bei Auxsburg
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Re: Google tables for quitters

Gepostet: 06.01.2017 - 08:51  ·  #4
Ages ago I was also in charge of such list.
Here is a copy of that:

Meanwhile I also think diffently on this topic.
Such kind of list does not make sense. People blame other people often for nothing.
Also: we should give new players a chance. Yes: they leave games too early because they don´t know why they should not.

Best approach is the Latino mentioned: remember such people by your own and don´t play with them anymore.
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